Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Dark Knight: Let's talk about it

SO i haven't been really hyped for a movie in who knows how long. I think it might've been American Gangster, and honestly i was little let down on that one. But they hype never left through the whole 2.5 hours of this flick. First off, i gotta say that i was also hyped for the IMAX experience, and these crazy southern folks let me down. How are they gonna have the coolant system for the screen bulb break and cancel all IMAX showings for the next 2 days. I'm kinda glad southern folks are a bit more understanding, cause if this were in Manhattan, and thugs and comic geeks were denied IMAX all hell would've broken lose. But at least we got a free movie ticket, which most def will be used to see this again in IMAX (for free).

I gotta say that The Joker is now one of the most terrifying villains ever to hit the movie screens. Not just cause his face is kinda creepy, but that he's a total nut. But the character was done so well, that you miss him when he's not on the screen. The performance gets you so engrossed in what's going on, that when he's off screen you can't wait for him to get back and do more crazy stuff. I wasn't sure if all the praise for Heath was going to be warranted, but i'll say that he definitely is deserving on an Oscar win, not just a nomination. Seriously, he put Jack to shame and gave us a true villain. Makes you never want to see anyone do a magic trick with a pencil.

Joker aside, the movie as a whole was pretty amazing, and it definitely lived up to the hype. All bets were off from the beginning. Easily one of the better films i've seen in a loooooong time, tho i've been told that Wall-E is a must see as well. It kind of makes you wonder what can be done for the next film. Christian Bale is supposedly signed on for 2 more movies, but what else can they do. The Joker is one of those characters that never really goes away, but there's NO ONE who can duplicate this performance. Even when we thought they were introducing someone new, it took another turn. I think the only thing that took it down a peg was that i didn't get to see it in IMAX, which hopefully i can remedy in the next couple of weeks. I wont' spoil it for anyone, but just knowing that i'd go see it again says something about it.