Sunday, December 9, 2007

Straight Up: Black youth is a disgrace

OK, so i'm sure most of you from the NY area have heard about the white guy on the A train who was harassed then beaten up by this group of young black kids, led by a loud mouthed 18 year old black girl. If you haven't seen the video or read the story, here's the link...

For about 3 minutes it's just listening to this girl yell at this guy who seems to be confused as to why they're bothering him. You can hear lots of racial slurs, and it sounds like they're just bugging him cause he's white and these kids have nothing else to do. By then end they begin punching him and throwing punches at him. And i was just in shock at what i was seeing. This is the second time this year i've had the pleasure of seeing young black girls act like animals. Earlier in the summer at the Port Authority i had to be a part of a minor scuffle in which these 3 girls tried to cut in line and threatened to beat up these white girls behind me. Eventually they were kicked out of line by security, but that was after they ran off their foul mouths and made me ashamed to be associated with them by race.

Now seeing this girl on this video it makes me wonder what is going on with the world. There were guys involved too, but it was the girl who was the ringleader. It was interesting to see in that article that the girls father came forward and ratted out his own daughter. He claims he thought he did a good job with her, but he doesn't know what went wrong. I mean you gotta know there's something wrong with you when you're own father is willing to turn you over to the police. It's like something out of Maury.

I heard someone say once that they were definitely ready to send their future kids to charm school so that they can formally learn how to act. And i totally believe that it might be the right move to make. For a boy or girl. Seeing these girls, and also those girls at the Port Authority, it made me see why so many educated black men go after non-black girls. I wanted to actually say that to them, but didn't wanna get into it with them. I felt like i would have to dumb down my words in order to speak to them and even that thought made me upset.

These kids need to get their lives in order, and pick up a book. Or even join a club at school so that they have something to do with their time instead of harassing people on the street. You can't spend your whole life riding the train nowhere just so you can bother someone for looking at you the wrong way. Or even be smart enough to know that if you beat up a white man, chances are you're gonna get taken down a lot faster. Especially if you're dumb enough to tape it. THey claim the person recording it was an aspiring filmmaker, but still, recording something like that in public isn't the way to get discovered. These kids need better role models, and need to be saved quick. It's disgusting, and disgraceful.

I'll quote Crash right here: "You embarrass me. You embarrass yourself"

Monday, November 5, 2007

Legally Blonde Oh meh

I was actually surprised that this show wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. Thanks to MTV i watched it the other day, and actually found it tolerable. At some times enjoyable. I think the only reason i was able to handle it was because i've seen the movie so many times so i knew exactly what was going on. There are little differences you would only notice if you've seen the movie a lot, but overall it's pretty well done. Has it's funny moments. A good lighthearted musical. Not on the level of Hairspray, but something fun to watch.

The cast is pretty decent. Not the best singers ever, but good enough for those with sensitive ears. I don't think that I would pay $65 for a ticket on broadway, but if it comes on MTV again i would suggest watching it. It's not a total chick musical. The songs are upbeat and actually fun to listen to. I haven't gotten the soundtrack, but i would suggest that if anything. I know lots of people like listening to the soundtracks before they see the show, but for this particular one it would be a good look if you've seen the movie before. Again, it's almost an exact copy of the movie so there's no real need to see the show when you can watch the movie and then listen to the sound track.

Funny thing, when it aired on MTV those chicks from The Hills didn't look at all impressed. Maybe just cause they were focusing too hard to read their cue cards, but i dunno. MTV did this to try and raise awareness of musicals because this show was clearly not selling. But if they really want people to get interested in broadway they should at least show a good show. Maybe Rent or Spring Awakening. Maybe even Hairspray since the movie just came out. Good shows aimed at a young generation. Maybe MTV will try that. I'd actually like to see those agin without having to pay for it.

Unless you're a huge broadway fan and will go see anything, i wouldn't say spend the money on tickets. Maybe if they have student rush, or lottery tickets.

American Gangster: Jay-Z

Ok, so i think we can all agree here that Jay-Z did it right this time around. He's put out a solid album, one of the better rap albums to come out in a while, and we can totally overlook Kingdom Come. In my opinion, he pretty much showed Kanye how to do a rap album. This is jigga man at his best, and surprisingly Diddy putting in some strong work for the first time in years.

It's almost like Jay-Z took similar ideas that Kanye had for his albums and just did them 10x better. I mean, we all know he's a better lyricist but who knew he could be this much better. His goal for this album was to take it back to the streets and show us something real and raw. The only thing i can really hate on is again the incorporation of Lil' Wayne on a track. I don't understand why people keep putting him on their records, because he's the worst rapper ever. But if you look past that, you got a real winning album here. He took a breather from Kingdom Come, and just went back to do what he does best.

Plain and simple, great album.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

American Gangster: Some thoughts

So I haven't been this hyped for a movie since Snakes On A Plane, which we all know was legendary. But this time around with American Gangster i don't think i was necessarily disappointed, but it wasn't at amazing as i thought or hoped it would be. It was definitely an excellent movie, but not in the same league as The Godfather as far as mobster movies go. My only issue with this was the quick back and forth sequences between Denzel's character and Russell Crowe's guy. It was like watching 2 different movies for a while. But once they got on the same track the movie really took off and you fully get taken in to everything.

This movie definitely had its strong points, showing Denzel as a serious American Gangster. I won't spoil them, but some scenes were reminiscent of Training Day in the amount of ruthlessness and craziness going on.

Something you have to admire about the character Frank Lucas is just how he kept everything going. I mean, for someone who never went to school he surely played the game like a business school. Sounds cliche, but he definitely learned the game well from the school of hard knocks.

Something we all expected from this was 2 powerhouse acting jobs. Denzel definitely gave us something serious, as he usually does. Russell Crowe played more of a supporting character, just because they didn't really focus on his character as much, but i think i'm just partial to his performances. I always like him in movies. I'm also always impressed at how well he pulls off different accents, being a guy from Australia.

Overall i'd say it was a really good movie. Definitely a strong 3/4 stars, and worth the 10 bucks. Though, as it is with most movies, i would've preferred to see it without thugs in the theater. Even in Delaware they come out on friday nights to disturb the rest of us who actually want to listen and enjoy a movie. But i'd say go check it out, thug free if you can.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Kid Nation: WOW

OK, so who saw that new show Kid Nation? One of the craziest things i've ever seen, but also one of the best. A serious new way to exploit your children, but also a little more entertaining than watching 7 strangers living together on MTV. Here we get 40 kids from around the country aged 8-15 trying to survive while rebuilding an old western city.

The lessons they're teaching these kids are ridiculous. THey're split up into groups based on color. Each group is then separated into different classes. Lower class, merchants, cooks, upper class, and city council. I mean, what kind of business are they trying to teach these kids? I'ms till curious to see how they all are by the end of the show. We all know children are honest and will say some real shit from time to time. Especially views that have been thrust upon them by their parents. I'm just waiting for the little southern beauty queen to say she doesn't wanna lay next to a black kid cause she'll get dirty. Or the bullies to say something about the kid everyone thinks it's gay. Oh man, it could get so real. At least they were smart enough to make sound decisions when they have to choose between 7 more outhouses and a TV set. (they picked the TV)

It's pretty interesting to know that parents had to sign a 20 page contract that pretty much left CBS in the clear if anything happens to their kids. If they break a bone, or if someone gets eaten by the others. This could very well be Lord Of The Flies for the new generation.

Something else noteworthy is that now the kids are competing for cash. At the end of every episode the town council ( 4 kids selected at the beginning) have to choose someone to give the gold star to. And now after the first girl has won it they know that the star is worth $20,000. So there's going to be mad purple nurples and wedgies going around to get to the top. Kids can be just as bad as adults as we all know.

I think CBS has a winner on their hands here. Can't wait for Wednesday @ 8 this week

Across The Universe: Let's Talk About It

So I went to see that movie Across The Universe the other day, and going into it i didn't really know what to expect. It looked like one of those movies that could either be amazing, or really terrible. And judging by early reviews it was viewed as the latter. The one thing i can say about it is that the music was actually really good. All good singers, and pretty good arrangements of the songs. We've all heard awful remakes of Beatles songs but these actaully worked really well.

The music was something that kind of took something away from the actual movie for me. Since I knew most of the songs i was paying more attention to how it sounded than seeing how it actually related to the story. I feel like this movie would be a lot better to a person who had never heard a Beatles song before in their life (which would be hard to find anywhere across the universe). If they'd never heard it they would be thinking of it in a way that tries to follow a story. Maybe i would have to see it again to really take it in. I tried as i was watching, and for the most part all the songs worked perfectly.

Before seeing this i thought it would be really cool to see a musical based on Beatles songs and to see how it worked. For the most part it was all good, but the thing that kind of got to me was character development. The first half of the movie is pretty much introducing everyone because there are so many characters, and you get kind of a vague look into who they are. There's only one character that gets mostly developed, and i'm kind of curious as to why that is since he's not even the main character. And there were also random characters that showed up for no real reason and had no real impact on the story. Probably just a way to throw in another song based on a name (Dear Prudence).

The only main gripe i have is character and story development. Before it came out and i'd only seen the previews it looked like a movie that would need to be a 3 hour epic to really develop everything. But that's not really how it went down. At 2:11 it did work decently, but it could've been a lot better. It's hard to base movie characters of songs that have been aroudn for years because you can't mold the songs to fit the characters. The story does have a pretty decent ending with good use of a classic Beatles song. If anything, go see the movie for the music because it's all pretty good. Or i guess you can just download the soundtrack (32 track version from iTunes).

I say check it out. But don't go in expecting something amazing. If you're a Beatles fan then you'll still appreciate the remakes. I'll give it a solid B-

Sunday, September 16, 2007

2007 MTV VMA's.....What?

Ok lets get it out of the way now. Britney was a mess, and is a disgrace to pop music. Now lets talk about who really wants to watch the VMA's anymore? I only put it on cause i heard Britney was the opening performance and then somehow got sucked into it to see how awful it would really be. After watching the Wayans Bros host all those years ago i didn't think anything could pass that level of ridiculousness. But somehow MTV managed to do it. It's almost like they know that no one cares about it anymore, and it's level of credibility has fallen off. THey say "what the hell" and just let people do whatever they want. Whoever was the director of the show should be fired! People didn't even try to lip sync. Why even give them microphones. It's just a live music video now. We had to deal with people like Chris Brown just staring stupidly at the screen with his jaw hanging open while the verse kept going. I mean, come on!

Now something i just need to put out there. Why do people continue to praise Chris Brown??? His whole act is a hack. He's a Michael Jackson wanna be, and just isn't as good. Some say i'm a hater and i don't know what i'm talking about, but the kid isn't that great a dancer. He's too tall, and all his moves look awkward and confusing. All it takes is a few people to say you're good and then you think your the best thing since sliced bread. His version of "Thriller" i saw at the World Music Awards was a disgrace and Michael shouldn't have even taken the stage after that. At the VMA's, as soon as i saw he was about to perform i wanted to look away because i knew he was going to butcher another Michael Jackson routine. Halfway through i thought, ooo he actually might not do it, and then i saw the fedora come out and i just wanted to punch myself in the face. Billie Jean starts and he does something that wanted to be a MJ routine and looked like something a retarded kid having a seizure could've done better. Now i know some might be amazed at what i'm going to say here, but i'll give Usher props on his MJ copying. I hate him just as much now, but i'll admit that he's better than Chris Brown, and doesn't make it his whole routine. ATTENTION CHRIS BROWN: IF YOU THINK YOU'RE THAT GREAT I CHALLENGE YOU TO AN MJ DANCE OFF. YOU WILL GET SMOKED AND YOU'LL NEVER WANNA SHOW YOUR FACE AGAIN.

After watching that trash Chris Brown did all i could do was hope for salvation in the form of Justin Timberlake. Now aside from the fact that he was clealy drunk the whole time, he didn't fail me. Did a great job, especially throwing a huge slap in the face to those chicks from The Hills. Hopefully it made Audrina's teeth a little smaller.

Lets hope they put an end to the VMA's. They took one step closer by getting rid of TRL. It's a shame that pop music is on a steady downfall. Justin is all there is now. This year has to go out with a bang, and that bang's gotta come from Michael Jackson. We put out faith in you sir. Hit us with something real, and show these folks what realness is.

Let's Keep It Real Kanye. Graduation?

At first listen i was appauled at what i heard on this new album "Graduation". The day before i had listened to "Late Registration" and knew i was listening to something amazing, especially tracks like "We Major". Now listening to "Graduation" i didn't know what to make of it. The beats felt forced, and the lyrics weren't up to his usual quality. Which were always best when just talking about everyday life in a clever and witty way. Going through the first 3-4 tracks i heard a couple hits, but it just kept getting weaker and weaker as it went on. One thing to note for all future artists....DON"T PUT LIL WAYNE ON A TRACK! I dunno what he was thinking with that. So at first listen, NO, i didn't like it.

Then the other day i listened to it again, thoroughly, and felt like i could finally give some decent thoughts. I still don't think it's a classic album, but it's better than i originally thought. The beats are below his usual work. It sounds like he gave all his best stuff to Common and didn't know what to use for himself. On one track he says how common passed on the beat, so he made it into a jam. Far from it. Something i realized on this album was that a lot of the beats were so slow, and Kanye rapped over them kinda slowly which makes them less appealing to me. For an example of this listen to "Drunk and Hot Girls" and "Everything I Am". The latter is lyrically pretty good, but the beat just doesn't do it for me. "Drunk and Hot Girls" is a waste of a track, and doesn't use Mos-Def the way he should be used. You give a verse to Lil' Wayne on a track, and have Mos-Def singing your chorus on another? Come on Kanye.

The album peaks at track #6, and then is just so so the rest of the way. The only thing that kinda saved the album for me was to find the bonus tracks from the iTunes version. One song that did it for me was "Bittersweet Poetry". You may have heard the song a couple years ago on the VMA's, but Kanye never released it. But the beats on this song are up to par, and John Mayer is just a cool voice to have on your track.

So yeah, i'm not fully impressed with this. Compared to his first 2 albums, Kanye should view this one as a failure. There's no way it will win Album of the Year, but of course Kanye will still cry like a baby about it. Here's some advice, go back to college as a 5th year senior and graduate with something better next time around.