Monday, November 5, 2007

Legally Blonde Oh meh

I was actually surprised that this show wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. Thanks to MTV i watched it the other day, and actually found it tolerable. At some times enjoyable. I think the only reason i was able to handle it was because i've seen the movie so many times so i knew exactly what was going on. There are little differences you would only notice if you've seen the movie a lot, but overall it's pretty well done. Has it's funny moments. A good lighthearted musical. Not on the level of Hairspray, but something fun to watch.

The cast is pretty decent. Not the best singers ever, but good enough for those with sensitive ears. I don't think that I would pay $65 for a ticket on broadway, but if it comes on MTV again i would suggest watching it. It's not a total chick musical. The songs are upbeat and actually fun to listen to. I haven't gotten the soundtrack, but i would suggest that if anything. I know lots of people like listening to the soundtracks before they see the show, but for this particular one it would be a good look if you've seen the movie before. Again, it's almost an exact copy of the movie so there's no real need to see the show when you can watch the movie and then listen to the sound track.

Funny thing, when it aired on MTV those chicks from The Hills didn't look at all impressed. Maybe just cause they were focusing too hard to read their cue cards, but i dunno. MTV did this to try and raise awareness of musicals because this show was clearly not selling. But if they really want people to get interested in broadway they should at least show a good show. Maybe Rent or Spring Awakening. Maybe even Hairspray since the movie just came out. Good shows aimed at a young generation. Maybe MTV will try that. I'd actually like to see those agin without having to pay for it.

Unless you're a huge broadway fan and will go see anything, i wouldn't say spend the money on tickets. Maybe if they have student rush, or lottery tickets.

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