Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I'm gonna keep this one sweet and simple. Everything i wanted it to be. Black man doing his thing in the business world. White woman throwing herself at him. Black man keeping it together, and white chick goes nuts. Plus a cat fight with beyonce. how can this movie not be awesome?? Nuff people hated on it, but it's easily the most entertaining movie of the year. GO SEE IT!

Star Trek

so i caught star trek the other day. it's one of those movies i feel like i need to see again. before seeing this i wanted to go in fresh, knowing nothing about it. i guess that played against me, cause it didn't occur to me till much later that it was a prequel kinda movie. i know, i'm an idiot, but i just wasn't thinking about it. i thought they just recreated the characters and told a different story about their children or something. Now that i know it was a prequel, it makes a lot more sense, and i kinda wanna see it again. I mean, it was a good movie. I wouldn't say it was "this years Iron Man" but it was a pretty decent flick. A solid 3 star movie. The start of the summer blockbuster season i would say began with this, but only because i heard Wolverine was awful. Only thing i would say was a damper for me were all the Trekkie jokes that i happened to know, but didn't go wild about it. Just felt like they had to throw them in there as crowd pleasers. A lot of this movie was all about crowd pleasing, imo. Too bad i didn't know who all the characters were, so i didn't really care about what was going on with them, or creamed my pants at the sight of certain people. I thought about trying to get into the original series, but meh, maybe not. We'll see.

I wouldn't say it's amazing, but it's not terrible. I'm still waiting for Transformers to blow the summer season WIDE OPEN. But i'm gonna maybe give Star Trek another look in a couple weeks and see if it's really as good as everyone says. My recommendation, sure, go see it. Good action movie, and will probably make a sweet blu-ray.

Eminem: Relapse...thoughts

OK, so i dunno what happened to Slim Shady, or even Marshall Mathers? Em hasn't had a decent piece of work since The Eminem Show, and with the nonsense that he put out with Encore, it seemed right that he come out of retirement to try and salvage his name. 5 years later he comes out with Relapse, and i've gotta say i'm less than impressed. For some reason he's gone back to that sound that he used back on the Slim Shady LP, except now his lyrics aren't as funny or interesting. Naming an album Relapse you'd think he'd gone through some serious turmoil and would have mad stories to tell, but he's essentially talking about nothing for 20 tracks.

The rapper we all came to love was clearly present in the Marshall Mathers LP and The Eminem Show. Just the way his voice sounded on those albums was so much more rugged and engaging. i mean, The Way I Am? Classic, and he just brought you in with everything he said. I gave this album a quick listen straight through, and there was nothing about any of the songs really that made me want to play it back or listen closely to what he was saying. I think it all goes back to how his voice sounds on these. High pitched, and whiney for 5 minutes talking about nothing of significance. I'll give it a couple more listens and hope to hear something better, but i'm doubtful. If you're gonna come out of retirement, you know you have to come with something strong, cause you have to prove that the game missed you while you were gone, ie, American Gangster. yes there was Kingdom Come as the initial comeback, but Hov gave us a classic the next time around. So i can only hope Em comes with something different after seeing the failure in this album. His peak must've actually come back on The Black Album where he outdid Jay-Z on his own song. That was the marking of him being the best rapper in the game.
