Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Star Trek

so i caught star trek the other day. it's one of those movies i feel like i need to see again. before seeing this i wanted to go in fresh, knowing nothing about it. i guess that played against me, cause it didn't occur to me till much later that it was a prequel kinda movie. i know, i'm an idiot, but i just wasn't thinking about it. i thought they just recreated the characters and told a different story about their children or something. Now that i know it was a prequel, it makes a lot more sense, and i kinda wanna see it again. I mean, it was a good movie. I wouldn't say it was "this years Iron Man" but it was a pretty decent flick. A solid 3 star movie. The start of the summer blockbuster season i would say began with this, but only because i heard Wolverine was awful. Only thing i would say was a damper for me were all the Trekkie jokes that i happened to know, but didn't go wild about it. Just felt like they had to throw them in there as crowd pleasers. A lot of this movie was all about crowd pleasing, imo. Too bad i didn't know who all the characters were, so i didn't really care about what was going on with them, or creamed my pants at the sight of certain people. I thought about trying to get into the original series, but meh, maybe not. We'll see.

I wouldn't say it's amazing, but it's not terrible. I'm still waiting for Transformers to blow the summer season WIDE OPEN. But i'm gonna maybe give Star Trek another look in a couple weeks and see if it's really as good as everyone says. My recommendation, sure, go see it. Good action movie, and will probably make a sweet blu-ray.

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