Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Can I get real for a minute?

Ok, so i'm gonna get really deep for a minute. I was watching Oprah today for whatever reason, and Brett Michaels was on there having his first interview since the brain hemorrhage. I gotta say, brain hemorrhages are one of those things that terrify me. Cause there are no warning signs for it and it just literally pops up on you out of nowhere. And majority of the time, can kill you. So yeah, that's always been a thing that kinda freaks me out.

But anyway, i'm listening to him talk and he says how the doctors told him that if he has any kids they should bring them in so he could say goodbye to them. And he asks the doctors if there was any chance he would survive, and if there was then he didn't want the kids to see him. So i'm laying here thinking, what the hell would I do if i were in that position where i'd have to start saying goodbye to people. Who would show up? What would they say to me? What would i say to them? Not that I know what it's like to be in that position, but you ever think about it? What would you do? I dunno if i could even do it. Certain people I don't know if i'd want to see me cause it'd be too much to have to say goodbye to them. Maybe if it's an absolute certainty that something was going to happen. I dunno, i know this is kinda heavy but sometimes you get to thinking. Think about it. Or try to avoid thinking about it if you can.

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